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Exploro was a sensory, dynamic, modular and responsive toy, that complemented sensory processing disorder therapy for children from 3 to 5 years old. 


In Chile, around 25% of the population of school age has some condition that can be associated with a sensory processing disorder. In the public health system, children can only access one therapy session every month, even when they need to have 2 sessions per week to improve their condition. Exploro used the time between therapy sessions to exercise the sensory area in conflict, compensating for the distance between sessions.

The toy is formed by a deconstructed cube that children use as a play space. It had 8 faces, each one provided a different kind of sensory stimulation (as vibration, music, lights, and heat, among others) as a reaction to the child’s actions. For example, if a kid touched a face for 5 seconds it started to vibrate and it changed the intensity depending on how the kid touched the face. 

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