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TAC was a project developed during the Master in Innovation and Design, where a series of devices were explored to support the teacher on developing student ’s classroom motivation.


Three devices were prototyped to improve interactions within the classroom context working to overcome the lack of positive reinforcement of good behavior and the violence that was generated in the breaks in different vulnerable schools. 



Dedometer was a plug and play device for the student’s desk that provided the teacher with immediate feedback in a private way, about student’s comprehension of class contents. Every student chose a level of understanding, represented by green, yellow and red LEDs, and the data collected was graphically represented using Processing.

TVcreo was a system that exhibited educational and entertaining audiovisual content created by the students. The prototype was activated based on the number of students gathered in the schoolyard, which were identified by pressure sensors connected to an Arduino that gave the signal to a servo motor to start the video.

Motimachine was a motivating vending machine in which students exchanged points, gained in classes based on positive attitudes, for educational toys, healthy food, and music,
among others.

The prototype was a 4 mm. MDF structure with the prizes inside, that
was activated when the “points card” was recognized. The electronic system was a
switch connected to Arduino, that gave the signal to a servo motor to push the prize
delivering it to the student.

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